Getting that Spring Cleaning Colonoscopy in March




How often do I have my patients tell me, I did not mind the colonoscopy, but really did not like the prep.  The traditional prep was 4 liters of water mixed with electrolytes and a laxative, but today well have tablet preps like sutab and low volume preps like clenpiiq, suflave and sutab that are much less to drink and do not taste as bed. Personally, my favorite spring cleaning is miralax mixed with gatorade, but whatever prep you take if you do not adhere to a strict clear liquid diet then the prep will not work as well.



Every year in the United States 150,000 cases of new colon cancer are diagnosed. The best way to prevent colon cancer is to have a colonoscopy. Thirteen percent of patients diagnosed with colon cancer are under fifty. Anybody 45 or over should have a colonoscopy. If you have a first degree relative, you should have colonoscopy at age 40 or ten years before your first degree relative had colon cancer whichever comes first.


Jeffrey Crespin, MD Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU MD, MBA, AGAF, FACP

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